Why Eir?

My Cosmic Blueprint shows that I am not only supposed to be doing the work I am doing, but that I am uniquely qualified to do so. Why?

I have my Saturn in Scorpio, below the horizon.

Scorpio rules the uterus, and in Saturn, especially when below the horizon, it is highly prone to endometriosis. I was destined to get endometriosis, to go through all the pain and misery and crazy periods and fertility struggles, so that I would understand exactly what my clients are going through and how to best help them. I have been there, done that, got all the damn t-shirts.

I have my Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Scorpio as well.

This leads me to be someone who loves to dive deep, be a detective and investigator to root out the true cause of why someone is experiencing the health troubles they are, and to be able to communicate all those details in a way that is easy to understand. I am willing to dive deep into your chart, get lost in it even, to really truly understand you, your Cosmic Blueprint, and why you are having the health problems you are having and discover the root cause. I am then able to distill down the details for you in a way that makes them very accessible for you. Medical Astrology is the perfect way for me to use my investigator skills and desire to dive deeply! It is a very complex system that requires me to continuously be learning and diving deeper and deeper into it, to improve my understanding and abilities. This ensures that my clients only get the fucking best from me.

I have my Mars in Virgo.

Mars is the planet of action and how one likes to do things in business and life. Virgo is the planner of the Zodiac. I am able to break things down into steps easily and make a plan to follow for others. This placement really allows me to help you by creating plans that are easy to follow and take you to your goals through baby steps that make your goal so much easier to achieve. I take all the overwhelm out so you can focus on getting better and hitting your goals! Fuck yeah!

I have my Uranus, Jupiter, and Neptune in Sagittarius.

This is the sign of the adventurer and of one being true to who they are and what they love. Uranus is the planet of rebellion. I am willing to live my life in an unconventional way, shunning the “norm”, and embracing who I am fully and enthusiastically. This helps show you that being authentically you is the best way to live life. Jupiter is the planet of one’s greatest joy. My greatest joy is traveling and living life in a way that is adventurous and makes me happiest. This shows you it is more than fucking okay to live life in a way that is authentic to you. Neptune is the planet of dreams and ideals. Your dream vision, if you will. With mine is Sagittarius, my dream is to explore new ideas and to have interesting experiences and then share these with others. My top dream vision is to live a life that is authentic to who I am and then to teach others that they can learn to do the same.

My Chiron is in Gemini.

This is the wounded healer. The area of your life that you will have your greatest troubles with and most often the area you struggle with the most. In Gemini, this means I struggle to feel like people really hear me or care to hear what I am saying. By encouraging others to use their voices, express themselves, set boundaries, and not be afraid to speak up, I not only heal my wounded healer, but I help heal others as well. I am working on healing this area in my Design as well, through my podcast. Using my voice to spread hope, joy, love, and information to help others grow as humans. It is one of my greatest passions to do. I literally fucking love doing my podcast and guest speaking on others.

As you can see, my Cosmic Blueprint makes me the best person for this job! I became a Medical Astrologer because it helped me heal my body and now I want to bring that help and hope to you. To show you that life can be different than what you are experiencing currently, what the root cause is, how to fix it, and in turn how to heal your body, mind, and Soul through the power of knowing yourself on a Cosmic level. You are beautifully designed to be exactly who you are, quirks and all. I want to show you that there is nothing wrong with who you are and, in turn, bring healing through acceptance of yourself on the deepest level.



Sign up for a Medical Astrology reading today and let’s get you started down the path to vitality and health!!

Get to know Eir even better!

  • I am a momma to 4 amazing children. 1 bio, 3 bonus. I am so blessed to be a part of all of their journeys and guide them to their paths.

  • I have 3 degrees in herbalism, 1 in nursing, 2 in Medical Astrology, and 1 in naturopathy. I bring all that knowledge to every consultation and reading I do.

  • I have been doing Medical Astrology for over 5 years.

  • I live a nomadic life. I have traveled full time for the past 4 years. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  • I own 12 acres in Northern New Mexico. We are at 8,500 ft above sea level in a high desert. We have a 360* view of mountains and mesas as well as wild horses running around. I absolutely adore it.

  • I am a Green Witch. I had a very traumatic upbringing in a very religious home and when I left, I sought my own path. This led me to witchcraft and working closely with Freya and other dieties as well as my Spirit Guides. I use my "powers" for good and help heal others with Medical Astrology and the herbs I have learned so much from.

  • I was diagnosed with endometriosis at age 19. After healing myself, this led me to wanting to help others with similar health concerns. It is my absolute joy to be able to do so.

  • I have Scorpio in 5 planets in my Natal Chart. I am full of mystery and wanting to be a hermit most of the time. My Leo Rising keeps me showing up and doing the work I do to help others (and myself). My Scorpio placements allow me to dive deep and be a true detective to figure out the reasons behind your health issues and how to fix them.

  • I was homeschooled all through high school. I absolutely LOVED it! I adored being able to do my own thing and go at my own pace. Nothing has changed. I still do.

  • I am a Medical Astrologer, AstroHerbalist and AstroNutritionist. I help individuals with ovaries have peaceful periods and menstrual cycles, restore balance to their bodies, and achieve happy, healthy hormones. I have helped countless people achieve optimal health and have loads of reviews from happy clients. My favorite to date is helping a client heal her infertility issues and have her rainbow baby.

  • I am happily married to my awesome and amazing husband, Neil. I do not talk about him much on social media (or anywhere else really.) My relationship with him is very sacred. I was in a very abusive relationship prior to this one. This relationship is super healthy and I just don't want to share too much from it. We have been together since 2017 and I am excited about the next 60 together.

  • BONUS!! I am pansexual and polyamorous and in a happy and healthy ethical non-monogamous relationship. And I wouldn't change a thing!!

  • Fuck is my favorite word and you will hear me say it a lot. If you are upset by cussing, then we ain’t gonna be friends. That’s ok. I am not for everyone. And everyone is not for me.

  • 12 years experience in herbs, Medical Astrology, health/wellness, and coaching

  • 21 years experience in health care as both a CNA and RN- specializing in Gastroenterology.

  • Over 100 women restored their health and vitality after working with me

  • Over 70 amazing podcast episodes recorded!

  • Been a guest on numerous podcasts, speaking about Medical Astrology, herbs, women’s health, and so much more

  • Spoken at many conferences, the latest being “The Modern Matriarch Summit”. My topic was: “The Planets and How They Influence our Journey as Mothers.”

  • Left a cult, healed my wounds from the religious trauma, and found my own path in life. I am now a practicing Green Witch, using my connection to Nature and the Divine to help me discern what a client truly needs.