I understand this struggle and desire to have a more peaceful and joyous life as I was diagnosed with endometriosis at 19 and was told I would never have children. I went the alternative and holistic route, healed my body, and became pregnant at 28 with no interventions! That led me to wanting to help other women do the same and I went back to school to get my degree in Herbalism. And 12 years later, here I am achieving that dream!

Healing of the Body, Mind, and Soul through the power of the Cosmos for women with hormonal imbalances and struggles, who want to have peaceful periods, enjoy fertility, and/or tranquil transitions to menopause.

After years of struggling with infertility, whacky periods and menstrual cycles, PCOS, endometriosis, pain, hot flashes, or night sweats, and never being listened to by conventional medicine doctors, you are tired. You’re ready to try just about anything to feel better. And maybe you already have! And you feel like the solution is so far away; never to be found.

You’ve tried all the things, thrown everything you can think of at the problem to see what sticks, seen countless doctors and other medical professionals, and are now thinking “I guess this is just the way it’s going to be from now on.”

Wouldn’t it be great if you could skip the countless physical exams, being poked and prodded for blood work and medical tests over and over, as well as not being heard, and just jump right into:

  • Knowing exactly how YOUR body is designed to work

  • Exactly what is happening inside your body on a Cosmic level leading to these concerns

  • Solutions to your hormonal imbalances, instead of band-aids

  • A practitioner who has been there, done that, and LISTENS to you; truly hearing what you are saying and working tirelessly to find solutions for you.

  • Achieving peaceful periods, having that baby you are crying over, no longer experiencing debilitating PCOS/endometriosis symptoms, and a transition into menopause that doesn’t make you stay awake at night.

  • Restoration of PEACE and VITALITY to your mind, body, and Soul

And that is exactly where I come in, dear one.

I was 19 when I was diagnosed with endometriosis.

I started having horribly painful periods, passing large blood clots, having hot flashes, breast pain, cramps, acne, severe mood swings, and weight gain.

I did what anyone would do in that position. I went to the doctor.

And after a lot of testing, an invasive surgical procedure, and many, many expensive visits later, I was informed I had endometriosis.

I was devastated! My next question after the utter shock wore off a bit was "What is the treatment? What can we do to cure this?"

The doctor looked at me and told me that 1. I would never be cured. There wasn't one. 2. That I may never have children due to this and 3. That my only options were to take birth control pills or have a hysterectomy.

Even 19 year old me knew those weren't great options. I asked about pain control, diet changes, anything I could do besides surgery or pills.

His answer was I could try some pain pills he could prescribe, but I just needed to accept the pain and deal with it. The birth control pills may help with it, but there was no guarantee.

With few options and little hope, I took the prescription for the birth control and the pain pills and left.

After 2 weeks on the birth control pills, my symptoms were WORSE instead of better, my mood swings were horrific, and I had gained 5 lbs.

I called the doctor's office up and told them. I was informed that maybe that pill wasn't the "right" one for me and they prescribed me a new one. When the same thing happened, again they switched me. After the third pill did the same thing and I called again, I was told I just needed to suck it up and wait it out. That sometimes it could take up to 6 weeks for it to actually work and, in the meantime, I would just be miserable.

I decided to just stop taking them all together. If I was going to be miserable either way, at least the symptoms were more manageable without the pills!

When I turned 22, I had a change in my symptoms. I went back to the doctor. This time a new one as I had moved to a new city. After much testing (again!), I was informed in my followup visit that the endometriosis had progressed.

The doctor then callously told me "The only option here is birth control. Oh and its advanced enough you probably will never have children without intervention." Then LEFT the room!

I was left alone, in tears, in the room with no options.

After this, I started looking for another way. I refused to accept that the only way was pills and suppression of symptoms. It just innately felt wrong to me.  I found a doctor who was supposed to be an expert in endometriosis and pain. I went to see him. His only solution was to CUT all the nerve endings to my uterus. He said he had great success with this procedure and his patients had great relief from the pain. When I asked him if it interfered with feelings during sex, he told me that it didn't matter. I wanted pain relief and I would get it. NOPE!

I ended up down the alternative medicine path. I started massage therapy regularly, chiropractic care, acupuncture, naturopathy, herbs, supplements, diet and lifestyle changes.

And at 27, I became pregnant with NO INTERVENTIONS!

I was 32 years old when my endometriosis advanced again and at this point, I opted for a hysterectomy.

A hysterectomy is NOT a cure and I was still not feeling 100% after. This led me to Medical Astrology, AstroHerbalism, and AstroNutrition and I healed my body with nutrition, herbs, and lifestyle and spiritual transformations.

And now I do the same for others. No one should have to feel hopeless, alone, miserable, exhausted mentally and emotionally, and resigned to living life at a less than optimal health level.

The biggest thing I learned in all this is that fighting against my body's innate ability to heal, suppressing symptoms instead of fixing the root cause, and poor nutrition and nutrient absorption, led to me be sicker than ever and have multiple surgeries I wouldn't have had otherwise.

You do not need to learn those same lessons. Let me guide you along a different path. Less fighting. More harmony.

Your body is capable of amazing transformation and healing when it is provided with the proper nutrition, lifestyle upgrades, and mindset transformations. You too can say "Welcome to Wellness, body" like I did.

And here is how we do it:

  • Gather your birth date, time of birth, and place of birth and give them to me. I use these to run your Natal chart.

  • I run your Natal chart and dive deep into your Cosmic Blueprint to determine the root cause of why you are having these hormonal imbalances.

  • I return to you a video reading, jammed packed with information about your body and Cosmic Blueprint, and what is happening deep inside.

  • I organize a protocol with all the information in the reading to help you know what to do next.

  • You will choose a 3 or 6-month package and then we will work together closely to help you make a plan that works for you and take baby steps on your way to health and vitality.

Easy peasy, right?